There are errors in ongoing mock exams, according to supervisors

Torit State Ministry of Education supervisors reveal that they discovered errors in the second day of Primary Eight mock exams that began on Thursday.
Abalu Andrew Felix says one of the mistakes is the arrangement of index numbers and wrong packing of papers which brought a lot of confusion between invigilators and pupils, Radio Emmanuel reports.
‘We have some little challenges what I have as a supervisor one of the challenges I face as the issue is the arrangement of the index were not actually properly arrange and one of the thing that we have currently identified is the issues the papers were mix anyhow until now we have run up and down and now the issues is rectified’, he points out.
Andrew is urging the people concerned to ensure that the exams’ papers are well arranged before giving to the centers.
In the same story the invigilator says they had faced a lot of challenges from the candidates sitting for mock examination since the beginning.
Rugato Obwaha Marcello says some candidates could not identify and write their index numbers on exams’ papers, making it difficult for them to arrange and pack.
‘Since from the beginning things were not okay because children themselves couldn’t even though we are trying to instruct them and some of the mistake we realize we are trying to pack some are unable to write the school name and their index numbers that was one of the challenges we face. Especially ALP some of them were unable even to identify their index number but it is we as the invigilators to assist, some of the papers which were send some questioners were missing that is one of the challenge we face especially this morning the second session of this examination there were some pages missing we have to look around for some of the papers which are said to extra we have to pull then we have to fix so that the candidates have to continue’, he notes.
Obwaha says the exams’ papers should be well edited before printing out.
‘The examination Center is to edit the papers properly before they are packed in that is the best way the envelop and before even producing they should edit because we get some questions they are wrong so we have to correct by ourselves by consulting them that this statement is not correct there is a mistake that was wrong in this place as a center of join examination’, he complains.
Invigilator Obwaha urges the head teachers to produce the identity cards for their candidates at the early stage.
The officials were talking to Radio Emmanuel at Airport View Nursery and Primary School Center Two on Friday morning.