Other countries use South Sudan crisis to encroach borders, says official

The instability of South Sudan has given chance for other countries to encroach lands at the borders, says Chairperson of Public Grievances Chamber.
Radio Emmanuel quoted Professor Biong Kuol Deng saying issues concerning borders with neighboring countries can only be handled by the national government.
He hopes that the national borders committee will handle the issues of borders when peace comes.
‘Some countries are trying to exploit our war situation in the country, but the borders are very clear. They are clearly delineated and demarcated. And I think it is a matter of time, they will be able to address this concern. It is not only with Uganda, but also with Kenya there are some encroachment in to South Sudan borders. But the national government has already established national borders committees to look in to this kind of encroachment that is taking place currently. Whether borders between us and Uganda or borders between us and Kenya and even Sudan also. So there is already mechanism in place to try to address this amicably and peacefully’ , elaborates.
The professor made the remarks on Thursday, in response to an issue raised by Torit state peace commission on the location of Nimule border point.
Earlier this month, Torit State Peace Commission observed that the border is pushed deep in to South Sudan.