Peace is prevailing in Gbudue State, says police officer

Peace is prevailing in Yambio after the establishment of Zonal Police units in different parts of the municipality, says Police Officer in Gbudue State.
Colonel Mbiko Barakati says Police Commissioner’s order to create zonal units has created good security in Yambio and the whole state compared to previous days, Anisa Radio reports.
The officer says the reason of distributing the police was to protect civilians and their property so that they live in peace.
He says there are a lot of achievements since the creation of the zones in Yambio, and that criminal activities which were high have reduced.
Colonel Barakati calls on everyone to report problems at nearby police zones because police can reconcile conflicting individuals according to the law.
However some community members question some police officers who go in uniforms to drink alcohol in the market place with gun.
They during the live talk show reveal that they fear a lot to see police in such manner.
Colonel Mbiko Barakat was on live talk show on Police Program which is every Wednesday on Anisa Radio.