New officials sworn in, in Gbudue state

The government of Gbudue state on Tuesday sworn in the newly appointed officials in the state
The officials includes Hon Gibson Bullen Wande the Minister of Agriculture, Hussein Enocka Ibrahim as the Information Minister, Rose Mary Abujon Kabasih Minister of Health and Environment, Angelo Bakote Minister of Cooperative and Rural Development, William Thomas Yonga Minister of Local Government and Law Enforcement 
The Commissioners includes Robert Rapheal Ruati Mandiri sworn in as Sakure County Commissioner, hon. Simon Francis Badagbu commissioner for Basukagbi County, Peter Bajamin Commissioner for Bangazagino County, Moses Samson Commissioner for Nzara County and Anthoney Sanangore Atoroba County Commissioner for Bangasu County
And Judith Ruben as Mayor for Yambio town municipality replacing Robert Singira
Governor of Gbudue state Daniel Badagbu Rimbasa urges the sworn in officials to be exemplary to the community and work towards development and stability in the state.
Badagbu challenges the new sworn in officials to work diligently with their people to value the community and not to be self-praised 
The swearing in took place on Tuesday in Yambio