Poor menstrual hygiene management forces girls out of schools in camps

Some school girls in Bidi Bidi refugee camps in Uganda have decided to drop out of school due to poor menstrual hygiene management.
A student in Calvary View Secondary School in Zone One, Flora James, says an increase in number of girls decide to leave schools after experiencing monthly periods.
She attributes these acts of dropping out due irrational fear by the girls of being the laughingstock after such kind of incident occurs in the school.
Flora says due to her menstrual health, she had to miss classes to avoid monthly period embarrassments at school.
The student calls on authorities in charge of the camps to support girls by providing them with sanitary pads and other basic requirements a girl is in need of.
She urges other girls not to give up on studies and should try other means of survival when such situation occurs.
Sworo Justo Yeka, a parent of six children, appeals to girls in camps to continue with their studies.
He advises them not to wait for support from development partners.
Justo urges the girls to improvise on available resources in order to stay in school.