South Sudan launches 360 Africa TV

South Sudan on Monday launched 360 Africa TV in Juba to serve the public through a variety of programs and current affairs.
360 Africa TV is owned and managed by 360 Africa Limited as a private commercial station.
General Manager, Jacob Benjamin expresses their commitment to create dialogue, promote justice, bring peace and unity among South Sudanese.
‘We have been operating for the last one year and half. 360 started as a production house. There was no idea of opening a TV station, but there were young South Sudanese who said the TV must be founded despite the challenges the country is going through. The financial crisis we are facing. We are now been licensed by the media authority and we are ready to help the people of South Sudan. Today we are joining those heroes and heroine in the media houses. We will stand to speak the truth. We will stand to defend justice and equality’. The Manager adds.
Presidential Advisor on Social Services, Gabriel Yuol launched the event on behalf of the First Vice President Taban Deng Gai.
He congratulated the founders of 360 Africa TV, describing it as a step forward.
The Advisor encourages every South Sudanese to be creative instead of being idle.
Yuol also advises 360 personnel to produce programs that educate the public.
‘You do your program. Move away from critics. Show something that people will learn from it. People will respect you for that. So on behalf of the Fist Vice President, I am very proud of you that you have founded 360 Africa TV. We will see on the way forward. Africa Media 360 is opened’. Says The Presidential Advisor.
Deputy Minister of Information, Lily Albino Akol calls on journalists to follow their ethics.
‘So media is a very important platform, especially given our situation today in South Sudan. Media is a platform that we can use to develop South Sudan because through media, we can fight tribalism. We can talk about unity and entertainment is part of that’. The Deputy Minister notes.
The officials spoke during the launch of 360 Africa TV.