Don Bosco School carries out general cleaning in Tonj

The administration of Don Bosco Primary School organized a general cleaning around the church and Malith local market.
Angony Dut Angony, a teacher at the school, explains that the general cleaning is daily program on their school calendar.
He states that teachers cooperate with their pupils to carry out activities in Malith market in order to prevent outbreak of diseases in the area.
The initiative is to show an example on how to maintain hygiene and sanitation to communities of the state, Dut explains.
The teacher stresses that keeping the environment clean prevents the spread of diseases.
‘It is our collective responsibility especially the young people to maintain our places clean for good health status of the citizens’, he remarks.
Eliza Akuol Bol, a pupil of Don Bosco Primary School says it is not good to stay in a dirty environment.
She appeals to citizens especially merchants to keep their places clean.