Players in Tonj discourage referees from sport activities

The head of referees in Tonj State on Thursday expressed disappointment because players are not respecting referees and no security protection to them.
Santino Nhomchot reveals that referees are always beaten in playgrounds and the perpetrators are not brought to book, Don Bosco Radio reports.
Nhomcot adds that he stopped working in the sports office because people are not cooperating with them and are always violent in the field.
The Football Association is not progressing in Tonj State, he points out.
Lino Majok Achien, chairperson for the Association, urges sports leaders not to react violently if something goes wrong in the field.
The leader reminds all managers and players to stop attacking referees because they are helping youth to develop their talents in sports.
Referees’ leader narrates that the South Sudan cup finished successfully as Genanyuon United took championship, Radio Don Bosco Reports.
The leaders talk to Don Bosco Radio on Thursday in Tonj