Avoid bribe and favoritism to eradicates corruption, listeners comments

The listeners of radio Don Bosco calls on political leaders to avoid bribes and favoritism to eradicate corruption.
They on Tuesday during morning tea program under the topic: ‘Fighting corruption lead to peace and justice” says South Sudanese should promote spirit of sharing and love to achieve peace in the country.
Deng 4 good, a consistent caller says fighting corruption is unless the government authorities punish those practice dishonesty across the country.
He adds that government authorities are also involved in corruption in their offices by accepting bribes.
Deng appeals to all citizens of South Sudan to respects the words of God by developing spirit of sharing and love across the country
Another caller who identifies himself Captain Kuol cautions that corruption will not end in South Sudan because the government is still not employing unqualified workers.
He urges the national government to look for qualified workers in vacuum positions for a betterment of South Sudan.
The speakers made the remarks on Tuesday in Tonj during morning tea program