SSP devaluation made local communities sell food to Uganda, says MP

A Member of Parliament representing Ikwoto County in Torit says the increasing deflation of South Sudanese Pounds has made local farmers to sell their produce at a cheap price to neighboring Uganda.
Alfonse Muras Chacha says when farmers sell local produce to outside country will it poses hunger threat in the state.
The MP urges the state ministry of Agriculture to sensitize local food producers on the importance of having food reserves to prevent shortage and starvation.
The parliamentarian also says the roads from Torit to Ikwoto are going to be impassible due to the rainy season.
He is calling on the government and partners to work hand in hand to repair roads to help food transportation from producers to consumers within the state.
MP Muras encourages all citizens to actively participate in agricultural activities to boost food production in the state and the country at large.