Vivacell closure affects money transfer companies in Tonj state

Some money transfer dealers in Tonj state say the closure of Vivacell telecommunication has affected their operation.
David Rual Mayiik, Branch Manager of Wanhalel Money Transfer Company mentioned that some of their branches such as Romic and Ngapagok have been closed down because they don’t have any other mobile network in their area. Don Bosco Radio reports.
Peter Wol an accountant for Warthok money Transfer Company stresses that the communication become very difficult due to inefficiency of MTN network sometimes in Tonj town.
Achiek Achol, Branch Manager of Nyamale money transfer says his has closed down because MTN network is congested which made it inefficient and ineffective.
The Money transfer companies are calling on the government to cooperate with Vivacell Company so as to re-open the network