UNIMISS briefs Gbudue government on its new mandate

The United Nations Mission in South Sudan or UNIMISS briefed the government of Gbudue State on its new mandate in the country.
UNIMISS acting head of field office Caroline Waudo says the aim of extending mandate is to enhance partnership with the government.
It is good for partners to know more about the new mandate so that if there is conflict they may join hands together to about it, she notes.
Waudo encourages the government of Gbudue to utilize the opportunities in the state in a good way.
Governor of Gbudue Daniel Badagbu Rimbasa welcome the new mandate and appreciates UNIMISS for extending their mandate in the state.
The sensitization is very important because it will enable the government to understand the meaning of the work of UNIMISS, says the governor.
The mandate of UNIMISS includes protection of civilians, monitoring and evaluating human rights, creating conducive environments for humanitarian aid and support peace process.
The speakers made the remarks while briefing Gbudue state government on Monday in Yambio.