Official says evacuation of cattle begins in Greater Magwi

Press Secretary in the office of Imotong State Governor discloses that the long awaited evacuation of cattle has started in Magwi Counties to allow indigenous return home and begin new life.
Oringa Geoffrey says thousands of cattle that were scattered in Magwi are now on their way to their original states, passing through Amee Junction and Ayii.
He says the cattle herders are being escorted by the army.
He comments that the implementation of the president’s order is going smoothly without hesitations.
‘The cattle have now reached to Amee and some are still in Ayii . We had a thousand heads of cattle which were in greater Magwi.So we want to clarify to the people that the rumors they have been hearing from other people, saying that the cattle are not moving is a lie. There is a very important message from the office of the vice President that those pastoralists should start moving a long the river bank so that they can proceed upto Lob’bonok. From Lo’bonok then, they can also follow the nile to AJukek. So I want to assure the general public that the implementation of the Presidential order is moving on smoothly without any hesitations’.
Geoffrey assures the people of the area that by the end of May, there will be no cattle in greater Magwi Counties.
He adds that the herders are moving voluntarily to their areas.
The press secretary tells natives of the area to return home and resume their agricultural activities.
‘ I’m very mush optimistic. It could not even reach May for the cattle to move away. If there is nothing to jeopardize this move, I’m very sure it will not last because right now as we speak people have started preparing to start cultivation. The cattle herders occupied areas where people are cultivating and it is the only source of their lives. The herders are moving freely but not been forced. If they were forced, we would have heard some gun shots.  It is only the army to save guard their movement. They { the army} is not there to force or threaten them in any way, but they understand that they need to go because the native of the land need to come back, and start cultivation’.