Director appeals for laws to govern Sexual Gender Base Violence

Director for legal Aid for Justice Foundation organization (JFO) is calling on policy architects to formulate laws that punish perpetrators of Gender Base Violence in the country.
Tombe Florentino asks policy makers to work in collaboration with legislatures in ensuring that laws are designed and implemented. 
Florentino says drafting laws on Sexual Gender Base Violence helps reduce violence against women and girls.
Director Tombe admits there is no law that penalizes perpetrators of sexual Gender base Violence in South Sudan. He says most courts in South Sudan have no article that talks about sexual gender base violence except rape or assault
Director however says most victims of SGBV fear reporting due to fear of stigma.
Ukidimoi Ogura Imotong state minster of Local Government and law enforcement agencies says peace should first prevail in the country for the law to be effective.
Speaking in Arabic Ugura adds that absence of law that punishes perpetrators of violence creates insecurity since victims tend to revenge on the injuries they sustain 
Minister Ugura calls for cooperation amongst law practitioners so as to reduce cases of Sexual Gender base Violence in the Country