Catholic Diocese of Torit launches first Didinga Bible

Members of the Catholic Diocese of Torit and Summer Institute of Linguistics launch new Bible in Didinga language last Saturday in Chukudum.
Hundreds of people from Didinga and Buya counties gathered in Chukudum for three days to witness the historic occasion, Radio Emmanuel  reports.
The Apostolic Administration of the Catholic Diocese of Torit Monsignor Thomas Oliha says the book is a gift of God to the Didinga people.
The first ever Didinga Bible project started in1980s and was completed in 2017.
Jackie Marshall is the South Sudan Summer Institute of Linguistic Director; she explains what SIL does in South Sudan. 
Jackie adds that the book is also in audio for people who have not gone to school.
Although the new translation is launched as the great achievement that will change the spiritual lives of the people, more work lies ahead.
For now, the only complete translation is the New Testament and out of the 46 books of the Old Testament accepted by the Catholic Church and the Orthodox Church, only four have been translated.
The new Bible will be used by all Christian Denominations.
Five churches and government officials led by Kapoeta State Deputy Governor Paul Langa Rapicio attended the ceremony.
The Didinga Language Bible project was funded by Wycliffe USA Foundation and printed in South Korea.