Doctor urges men to escort their wives for antenatal care

The medical Doctor of Lopa County in Imotong State is calling on married partners to attend to antenatal care in the nearby health clinics.
The number of couples receiving antenatal care is very low because most husbands don’t accept to accompany their wives, medical director points out.
Radio Emmanuel quoted Ojok Augustine calling couples to effectively visit antenatal care service to understand about family planning
He says husbands need to escort pregnant mothers in labour pain to the health facility.
Augustine says visiting antenatal care reduces the maternal mortality rate in the country and that husbands and wives should take it a priority.
The medical doctor says the rate of couples attending antenatal care in their health centre is now high compared to the past.
Augustine stresses on the need of educating communities on the importance of ANC service.
The Medical doctor was talking to Radio Emmanuel in an exclusive interview in Lopa County last weekend.