Do not recruit children into army, educate them, youth urges warring parties

Imotong State Youth are calling on the warring parties to end recruiting children into the army, but give them a chance to go to school.
Prim Rose Annette, one of the participants urges community members to be vigilant in protecting children’s rights in the ongoing conflict, Emmanuel Radio reports.
She calls for awareness so that children understand their rights.
Otililing James Oliang, Youth President urges authorities especially the military people to have guidelines on recruiting soldiers.
Report any violation of children’s rights to the police, he urges South Sudanese.
Abdul Rahman Kamara, UNMISS Representative, says children are the assets of every nation.
He acknowledges that the future of South Sudan depends on educated children.
The representative advises parents to send their children to school and that participants should implement what they have learnt in their communities.
The officials spoke during a two-day workshop on child protection in armed conflict, organized by UNMISS Child Protection Unit