South Sudan National Dialogue committee launches its website

The national dialogue steering committee has on Friday launched its website in Juba to help in carrying out their activities and for people’s participation in the process.
Angelo Beda, Co- Chair of the committee while launching the website says the website will make the steering committee engage with people within and outside the country during the process.
Mading Ngor, a member of information in the committee says anyone is free to log on to: to know the activities and contribute any opinion that anyone feels about the dialogue process and how it should be.
You can also log in to Twitter, Facebook and Youtube to participate in the national dialogue process.
Mary Ajith, acting head of AMDISS calls on the government and the leadership of the national dialogue to allow access media practitioners to dialogue forum so that citizens can follow every latest update on the process
She also calls for regular press briefing on the progress of the national dialogue and asks the journalists to cooperate with the government.
The AMDISS leader urges authorities to avoid things that restrict freedom of expression and freedom of the media.
Comments on the website and social media accounts will be deleted if they incite violence, offensive language, tribalism, insults among others, a committee member says.