Torit municipality announced 2017 mock results

The education authority in Torit Municipality has announced last week 2017 mock results for Primary schools 
Frederick Ohuro, Director for basic and secondary education in the Imotong state describes the results as fair, Radio Emmanuel reports.
The results should have been better than the one obtained because of the competencies teachers have in the municipality, he adds.
Airport View Nursery and Primary School in Torit town emerges the first with 97.2% followed by Christ Bright Academy 86.9%, in the top ten schools that participated in the mock exams 
Ohuro advices teachers to give enough time to the learners to improve the pupil’s performances.
Kornelio Adafa,Torit County Education Director encourages candidates to put more efforts ahead of the national exams 
According to Torit Municipal Education Office notes that 495 candidates who sat for the exams, 155 boys and 120 girls have failed.