Over 12,000 children not given pneumonia vaccine in 2016

About 12,901 children in South Sudan were not injected pneumonia vaccine last year because the country has not yet been introduced to it.
The information was disclosed when Save the Children on Thursday launched the global pneumonia report under the theme: ‘Fighting for breath in South Sudan’.
Arshad Malik, Save the Children Acting Country Director, notes that they planned to collect national data for situation analysis on pneumonia, mobilize support and resources to strength health.
Representative from Ministry of Health Samson Baba, Director-General Primary Health Care, says Boma Health Initiative will have a committee for workers dealing on malaria, pneumonia and HIV.
Save the Children predicts in its latest key facts in the country that if current trends continue, 3,496 children will die from pneumonia in 2030.
The speakers were speaking on Thursday in Juba during the launch of pneumonia report.