Caritas Torit trains staff on time management

The management of Caritas Torit of the Catholic Diocese of Torit on Monday trained its employees on time management.
Radio Emmanuel quoted William Okot De Tobby, Managing Director saying time management is important for the success of any organization, reports.
Get rid of time robbers which may possibly lead to low productivity of an individual in an office, he tells the Caritas staff.
The director says Caritas Torit is trying to avoid misuse of time which is the cause of failure.
He stresses the need of balancing working hours and private activities to ensure quality service and better performance in an organization.
Okot advises his staff to prioritize activities based on lessons learned to positively transform their work.
He believes managing time in advance will make individuals aware of what is required out of them.
Caritas Torit Managing Director was talking to Radio Emmanuel after training staff on time management in Torit on Monday.