South Sudanese not forgotten, says Auxiliary Bishop of Birmingham


The Auxiliary Bishop of Birmingham in United Kingdom says the Catholic Church of England, Wales and the world did not forget the people of South Sudan.

Bishop William Kenney says the world cares and remembers the South Sudanese in their suffering.
He adds that there people who are in solidarity with the people of South Sudan in their tough time.
Bishop Kenny says the Catholic Church in England and Wales wants peace in South Sudan for people to return to their original homes.
He adds that their church is pressurizing their governments to push its South Sudan counterpart to work for peace in the young country.
Bishop Kenney appeals to Vatican authorities to appoint Bishops to the vacant dioceses of South Sudan as soon as possible to lead the flock of God.
Auxiliary Bishop of Birmingham William Kenny says their delegation’s sixth visit to South Sudan is to acquaint themselves with the situation in the country.