Minister of Gender launches legal provisions on gender equality, Sexual and GBV

The Minister of Gender, Child and Social Welfare launches a pocket guide on legal provisions relating to gender equality, sexual and gender based violence in the country.
Awut Deng Acuil, told Bakhita Radio that the guide is a simplified collection of some legal provisions to help advocates and rights institutions in promoting gender equality and mitigating GBV.
She however says it is a collective responsibility of citizens to understand this pocket guide and also report issues of rights violation to be addressed.
One of the provisions talks about maintaining girls who conceived at school.
Deng Awur, Associate Professor of law in Juba University says the article intends to keep girls study but suggests schools to promote abstinence from sex.
Meanwhile, Taban Romano from the Human Rights Initiative says the constitution being the supreme law requires to be respected.
He mentions that the provision in the constitution protects women’s rights to inherit property of their deceased husbands.
According to World Bank, violence against Women and Girls remains a global pandemic that has or will affect 1 in 3 women in their lifetime. 
The report says violence is not only a personal struggle for the victims, but also has severe consequences on social and economic outcomes.