Mass anti-cholera vaccination begins in Juba

The Health Ministry in collaboration with partners have launched a mass cholera vaccination campaign in Juba targeting some two hundred thousand people.
Ante Wind, Deputy Medical Coordinator of Medicines’ Sans Frontiers or MSF, leads the campaign. He says the vaccination will take place in areas prone to cholera outbreaks. Bakhita radio reports.
She adds that the latest vaccination drive seeks to reduce outbreaks and enhance protection of people against the deadly diarrheal.
Wind assures that the cholera vaccine is safe for children aged one year and above in addition to pregnant women.
Cholera is an acute diarrheal disease that can kill within hours if left untreated.
Several people who received the cholera vaccine at Kor William area say it will help to protect them against the deadly diarrheal disease. 
Cholera can be prevented through ensuring proper hygiene, use of latrines and washing hands with soap and safe water after defecating.
The disease can also be prevented by taking the cholera vaccine.