Minister calls on government and citizens to have good relationship says

Government and citizens should always be in a good relationship to allow them discuss development issues that affect communities, says Gbudue state Minister of Education.
Pia Phillip Michael says the community has a lot of issues that are facing them which need to be brought to the attention of the government, but due to bad relationhips; the two are not able to come together. Radio Anisa reports.
He urges the Foundation for Democracy and Accountable Governance or FODAG to work hard to make the voice and the issues of the community to be heard to the government.
FODAG organized a half day round table discussion with other civil society members to discussed issues raised by the community.
Phillip Gbambi Samuel the Commissioner of Yambio County calls on the participants to fully identify the issues affecting the community and work hard to promote peace and participate in the dialogue 
FODAG Senior program officer Charity Edward appreciates Gbudue state government for always being cooperative and working together with the CSOs for the best of the country.
Some of the issues discussed were gap between government and citizens, high prices, girl child education, protection of civilians and their property, legal laws and many more