Families should know benefit of child spacing, says Director-General

Families should know benefits of child spacing, Director-General in the national Ministry of Health says while briefing Wau State Governor.
Alexander Demetry was talking about the workshop to be launched concerning the family planning and child spacing, Radio Voice of Hope reports.
He adds that many women in South Sudan are dying during delivery as a result of complications during pregnancy.
Dr Demetry says they want to sensitize communities and the decision makers on how such incidences are reduced.
The Director-General thanks the government of the state for giving them permission.
Good pregnancy should be at least two year after birth, he advises.
Dr Demetry says there are medical proves that mothers with four children above are likely to be developing complications especially in the fourth pregnancy.
Such women need much medical care, he adds.
Director-General appeals to those concerned to take care of the life of mothers.