There is good public turn up to new number plate, says spokesperson

There is good turn up of people to the new South Sudan number plate abbreviated as SSD, says Police Spokesperson.
Brigadier Daniel Justin Achor says those who are still using the old valid number plates will only pay the fees for the new one.
The ministry did not receive any complain from the public and the traffic police concerning the number plates, he adds.
Brigadier Justin says the old number plate was issued to people according to the states, but could not be recognized internationally.
He encourages the public to acquire the new number plate.
South Sudan Transport Union Chairperson, Jacob Lueth Achol, appreciates the government for introducing the SSD because it reduces discrimination.
He says he fully supports the new number because everybody will be free to operate anywhere around the country.
A driver, who obtained the new number plate, says traffic police officers are working well.
He complains that he is facing challenges of fuel because it is expensive.
The speakers talked to CRN on Tuesday in Juba.