No evacuation of herders, no national dialogue, says Magwi communities

Natives of Magwi Counties in Imotong State say the presence of herders in their land blocks their participation in the upcoming national dialogue because most of the pastoralists are armed causing displacements among host communities.
They say for the national dialogue to succeed in Magwi, the herders should be evacuated to allow the displaced natives come home to participate in the dialogue.
Lamonga Tito Lazarus, Acholi Community Coordinator says there is need to prepare for a conducive environment for the national dialogue.
He describes the presence of cattle keepers in the area as a biggest stumbling block to their community.
Lily Tobias, is a local of Pageri county. She says the national dialogue is impossible with the presence of the armed herders. 
A woman representative in the area is calling for inclusivity in the dialogue.
Florence Night Otto, Member of Parliament cautions the use of government property, like the army uniform by the cattle keepers.
Canon Santo , SPLA military Spokesperson says he has no information about herders in the area.