Minister urges women to spearhead peace process in the state

Western Lakes State Minister of Information appeals to women to strongly advocate for peace because they are the most affected people during conflicts.
Chadrack Bol Machok says it is time for women to wake up and join peace process in the states and country at large, Radio Good News reports.
State Legislative Assembly Deputy Speaker, Chol Kuotwel Manhom says women can bring peace because they are the central care givers in families.
UNMISS Head of Field Office Kwame Dwamena Aboagye urges the state government to formulate by-laws that protect women against malpractices during conflicts.
State Minister of Education, Dut makoi Kuok, says the government is working hard to implementing peace resolutions passed recently.
The officials were speaking during Women Peace Concert organized by UNMISS on Monday in Rumbek