Islamic Relief Agency donates 200 sheep to Muslim in Juba

The Islamic Relief Agency of Saudi Arabia donated two hundred sheep to Muslim community in Mahad of Juba to share with none-Muslims, refugees and IDPs for celebrating Eid Al Adha Al Mubarak.
Mohammed Gaing Koor, one of the Muslims at Mahad, Juba Quranic School expresses his happiness to God and to the donors.
He hopes peace comes and prices of commodities come down in the market.
Some Muslim beneficiaries say the day brings South Sudanese people to eat together and forgive one another as a sign of solidarity.
The other beneficiary expresses that many organizations including Turkey also distributed sheep and cows to Muslims.
Akoi Deng, a Christian who joined the Muslims to celebrate the feast, says Islamic Relief Agency in every occasion gives items to all South Sudanese in need.
The Muslims and none-Muslims spoke to CRN in Juba on Friday while celebrating Eid Al Adha A Mubarak.