TOCH concludes workshop with Tonj State pastoralists

TOCH organization concluded a workshop aiming at disseminating Marial Baai resolutions agreed upon during three-day conference in Tonj.
Speaking to Voice of Hope, Marko Madut Garang Executive Director says the initiative brought the youth leaders together.
The first workshop was held in Pagakdit with participants from five counties of Tonj State, including Pagol, Warrap, Kirik, Awul and Amanlor counties.
Madut says building trust among the disputed communities of Tonj and communities of Wau is prioritized by the two states.
He points out that many activities that help in peace building will be organized to bring youth together.
The director testifies that the communities of Luo and Dinka had never had any grievances historically.
The officer spoke shortly after the workshop in Pagadit.