Military Intelligence permits NGOs to distribute relief outside Wau

Military Intelligence of Division Five in Wau State has allowed Non-governmental organizations to distribute humanitarian aid to citizens in the villages.
Francis Ibrahim Besselia Commissioner told Radio Voice Hope that NGOs lorry went to his county with food items.
He confirms that the NGOs went through checkpoints without obstacles from the military personnel.
Taban John Guu, commissioner of Baggari County appreciates SPLA for their cooperation.
He assures that main roads are opened with the approval from general commander.
John urges citizens to use the main roads from 7:00 AM to 5:00 PM when moving between town and villages.
Commissioner Taban says the NGOs went and distributed food items to the people in his county on Thursday.
Sergeant Samuel Atem, SPLA soldier, says the army has no problem with the citizens who use the main road.
He added that their commander allows the NGOs to move outside the town without any military intervention.
Mboro Payam in Besselia County is where many people have been displaced and some of them died because of famine in the area due to low production last year.