‘HIV new patients are dropping in Yei’, says Focal Person

The turn up of new patient of Human Immunodeficiency Virus is reducing in visiting Anti Retroviral Therapy (ART) says HIV Focal Person of Yei River State Hospital.
Chaplain Yuga Emmanuel told Radio Easter that ART centre is now receiving fifteen to twenty patients living with HIV status.
At least seven patients received their anti retroviral therapy drugs as new policy,
He adds.
Yuga cites that the users are facing challenges after a food ratios support was stopped last year by World Food Program.
Anti Retroviral Therapy user who declines to mention her name encourages fellow patients to get treatment in time and also come for HIV testing.
She expresses herself from being committed receiving ART medication and always keeps her healthy.
The guests were speaking to Radio Easter in an interview at Anti Retroviral Therapy centre in Yei.