Justice and peace commission conducts workshop in Tonj Parish

Justice and Peace Commission from the Catholic Diocese of Rumbek on Tuesday facilitate the peace initiative workshop in Tonj Sacred Heart Parish.
Parish Priest Paul Antimi told Radio Don Bosco the goal is to form a five members committee to spread peace messages to the people at grass root.
They are planning to establish the office of the Justice and peace at the parish level, he adds.
The parish will involve the government officials and NGOs to carry out peace messages to the public.
He discourages people from gender based violence such as abusing women and child rights in the society.
Their mission is to preach peace to save the communities and children but not politics, he explains.
One of the participants, Albino Akol encourages the youth to cooperate and work for peace in the State and south Sudan in general.
The speakers made the comments on Tuesday at Tonj Sacred Heart Parish Church.