Rumbek volleyball team wins East Africa tournament in Tanzania

Rumbek volleyball team that represented South Sudan in the East African tournament in Tanzania returned home with two trophies from seven countries.
Abas Mayek, Rumbek Youth Sports Association Executive Director, expresses his happiness to the team that went toTanzania, Radio Good News reports
He also appreciates Norwegian People’s Aids or NPA for facilitating the journey that resulted into success.
Susan Nyitur, Volleyball captain says that the team was proud to be supported by NPA that make them winners.
Volleyball team of Rumbek has achieved the victory because the work as one group testifies, Sadema James.
Youth Dialogue Forum Chairperson, Raphael Makuei, appreciates the efforts of the team in Tanzania.
Western Lakes State Government is preparing for big celebration on Saturday in Rumbek Freedom Square.