UNMISS trains organized forces, civil society on sexual violence

The UNMISS Human Rights Division field office in Wau on Thursday trained organized forces, civil society actors, women on conflict related sexual violence.
The workshop aims to identify current gaps and draw recommendations and action plan for the prevention of incidents , says Yishak Kassa Tefferi, Acting team leader of UNMISS Human Rights Division.
He adds that the training will also find ways of responding to survivors and accountability of perpetrators.
Kassa notes that UNMISS Human Right Division in Wau has been investigating, monitoring and reporting on conflict sexual violence in former Western Bahr el Ghazal State. 
Combating conflict sexual abuses cannot be resolved by one institution but needs collective efforts and energy of all actors working in the area, says the acting team leader.
Kassa urges the participants to make the best use of the opportunity to develop action plan in preventing conflict related sexual violence.
They are also to respond to the needs of the victims and hold the perpetrators of sexual violence accountable.