Tonj State government collects over 200 raided cows

The minister of local government instructed four commissioners of Tonj State to return the stolen cattle to the rightful owners.
Sabino Makana Akol says they formed a committee to follow issues of stolen cattle comprising of Commissioners of Tonj, Wanh-Alel, Thiet and Manayangok Counties, Radio Don Bosco reports.
The commissioners and all executive chiefs including the leaders of cattle keepers gathered in Wanh-alel County, he adds.
Wanh-alel County Commissioner Gordon Makuer Tiau says they collected 250 cows from the four counties and are still collecting.
Manayangok County Commissioner, Bona Bol encourages all communities to be patient because the government is handling the process of returning the cows.
The four leaders warn that if someone attempts to go and loot cattle he will be punished accordingly.
The officials made remarks on Thursday in Wanh-alel County of Tonj state.