Embrace peace to give agriculture chance, says camp leader

Embrace peace to allow farmers produce enough food in this rainy season, Melijo Camp leader urges South Sudan leaders and ordinary citizens.
Abraham Thon Kurchai says many youth want to involve in politics instead of taking advantage of the fertile soils for food production, Radio Emmanuel reports.
‘When people live together there will be peace and unity, but if all follow politics not all will get positions so carryout agriculture to be able to feed your family and neighbour, promote brotherhood’.
‘We have very fertile soils that if you plant a nail, it will germinate into food’, the camp leader stresses.
Kurchai tells South Sudanese leaders to allow citizens enjoy the freedom that they fought for.
‘You leaders should help unit people through peaceful means don’t chase people from the country through the wars I personally don’t want to go where my freedom is restricted I want to be free carryout farming in my own country. Now if almost all people leave the country, who will you lead the empty houses, he questions.
The leader also asks that ‘you have fought the Arabs so that we are free, where is the benefit, now if people are running to Uganda, Congo, Khartoum and Kenya’.
He says South Sudanese leaders should give peace a chance so as to enable Agricultural investment and production of food to combat the looming hunger in the country.