Security arrests Bahr El Ghazal University Trade Union leaders in Wau

The National Security arrested Worker Trade Union executive body of the University of Bahr El Ghazal in Wau after resuming their sit-down strike on Wednesday.
Deputy Chairman of Union, Philip Abiel Nyok, says the security organs took their chairman, secretary and one member, Radio Voice of Hope reports.
He complains that they did not commit any crime, but are demanding their rights.
Nyok argues that arresting members is not a solution, but the main issue is finding an answer to the workers’ demands.
Two workers, Christina Adut and Barnaba Bejic at the University call for the release of their leaders to resolve the issue.
They express disappointment after security organs took into custody their leaders without looking into demands.
Radio Voice of Hope could not reach the national security and state authorities for comments.