UNMISS supports comedy massive show for peace in Juba

United Nations Mission in South Sudan or UNMISS support a local comedy group call ‘The Mass Comedy Group’ to stage a massive funny show on Sunday in Juba.
The show attracted a huge crowd of people from all corners of Juba to watch performances from various comedians and artists, Radio Bakhita reports.
Edward Lujanga commonly known as Captain Eddy Lujanga, organizer of the comedy says peace means being happy.
He adds that one of the ways to bring peace is to make people happy.
Kwech Deng Atem, A young famous comedian commonly known as Wokil says comedy only speaks one language of laughter, which always brings all people together.
The musical legend, Emmanuel Kembe commended UNMISS for the good work done and calls for conduct of such events regularly for the country to attain lasting peace.
He performed his peace message songs including ‘Wasa Sika Le Salam’, meaning leave the way to peace which encourages people to pave way for harmony.