Wau Catholic Diocese mourns Fr Natale Emilio

Catholic Diocese of Wau is mourning Fr Natalie Emilio Dahia who passed away on Saturday evening.
Fr Marko Mungo, Administrator of the Diocese confirmed to Radio Voice of Hope that Fr Emilio Dahia died suddenly.
Fr John Vonjo explained that the deceased was not sick but a medical doctor at Daniel Comboni Hospital confirmed that the late priest died after medical test.
Fr Vonjo describes the late as a symbol of peace and an honest servant of his work to the faithful because he was cooperative.
The late Fr Emilio served all categories with faith and without discrimination, the priest testifies.
He said the death of Fr Natalie Emilio has caused blow and a big shock between the faithful specially priests.
Fr. Vonjo says his death is a big lost, and the second lost to Wau diocese after death of the late Bishop Rudolf Deng Majak.
The late priest started his education in Janain Primary School from 1970.
Fr Emilio entered Philosophy in Bussere in 1983 and was promoted to theology in at St Paul’s National Major Seminary in 1989 in Juba.
He was ordained a priest on the 7/1/1990 by the late Bishop Joseph Nyikendi in Wau Catholic Church.
He died as the parish priest of St Kizito in Ngodakala.
Fr Natalie Emilio was laid to his final rest at Lokloko cemetery on Monday evening.
The family of Radio Voice of Hope sends heartfelt condolence to all priests and faithful of Wau Catholic Diocese and prays for patience to the family and all relatives.
May the Almighty God rest his soul in eternal peace, Amen!