UNDP concludes Inter-committees peace dialogue in Rumbek

United Nations Developmental Program, UNDP in partnership with Women Aid Vision or WAV on Saturday concluded a two-day inter-communal peace dialogue.
The dialogue drew over sixty participants from Amadi, Eastern Lakes and Western Lakes States respectively, Radio Good News, reported.
Kasim Modi, WAV Deputy Program Manager says the dialogue aimed at sharing experiences on successes and challenges participants faced during the implementation of the previous peace talks.
Modi added that participants were drawn from the conflict affected areas of Greater Yirol, Rumbek East and Mvolo County of Amadi State.
Modi reveal that the committees have produced positive results from the dialogues they implemented to live in peace across the borders.
Community police and women groups are expected to hold other two peace dialogues in Aluak-Luak and Mvolo Counties this month supported by UNDP.