Stop employment frauds, Kapoeta authorities tell development partners

Follow proper employment procedures according to the South Sudan Public Service Regulation, Kapoeta Governor instructs all NGOs working in the state.
Louis Lobong Lojore says NGOs must employ qualified South Sudanese who can provide quality services, Radio Emmanuel reports.
There has been no transparency in the recruitment of workers in NGOs, he adds.
The Governor warns heads of organizations in Kapoeta to stop employing relatives and friends without qualification.
Caritas Torit Managing Director William Okot says his organization will ensure that the past mistakes will never be repeated.
Having qualified personnel in the health facility safes lives, says Fr Paul Lomana, Patron of Kapoeta Mission Hospital.
He cites cases in the pass where patients lost their lives due to negligence from the medical personnel in the facility.
Jason Sum, Caritas Torit Human Resource Manager, assures that they will employ competent staff to deliver services.
The opening of Kapoeta Mission Hospital is giving hope to hundreds of residents in the state who have suffered for too long without proper health care services.