Report to work place, Secretary-General tells Yei civil servants in Juba

Yei River government wants its workforce in Juba to report to their respective work places, says State Secretary General.
Aggrey Cyrus Kanyika says the state government will not pay any official who remains in Juba, Radio Bakhita reports.
He says some personnel who are in Juba have lost their jobs after the former Central Equatorial was divided into three states.
Cyrus also says the conflict has forced many civil servants in Yei River State to abandon their work places.
The security situation in Yei River State has relatively improved; Yei River State Secretary-General assures the staff.
Inter-agency mission to Yei led by the UNHCR last year said the security situation in the area deteriorated after conflict broke out in July, forcing thousands of civilians to flee their homes.