Civil society conducts public forum on governance in Yei

Community Empowerment for Rehabilitation and Development has conducted one-day public forum on peace, reconciliation and governance.
The forum was under the theme ‘What modalities can we put in place for peace to take its course in Yei River County’, Radio Easter reports.
It aims at enhancing political tolerance and increasing youth and women’s engagement in peace, reconciliation and key decision making process.
Benson Khamis Soro, Society Human Rights Activist says the forum is to allow people to interact freely on what is affecting them.
The public discussion provides platforms for increased citizens’ participation in the national dialogue on peace and reconciliation process and governance.
Yei River County Commissioner Denis Lasuba Paul calls on leaders to embrace their enemies and show a sign of peace and love for the dialogue to succeed.
The forum brought together women, youth and elders, members of the civil society and government officials.