South Sudan refugees’ influx to Uganda needs international response

Thousands of South Sudanese refugees fleeing to Uganda demand increased international response to avoid world humanitarian crises.
A Refugees International new report entitled ‘Getting it right: Protection of South Sudanese refugees in Uganda,’ urges the world community to give aid to migrants.
Thousands of refugees are arriving daily in Uganda, making it the top refugee-hosting country in Africa and host of the largest refugee site in the world, says the report.
The influx could even worsen if famine spreads in South Sudan and that the new arrivals have been received generously by the government.
The report says the new arrivals face food and water shortages that could result in a crisis if not addressed.
‘South Sudan’s humanitarian crisis is spinning out of control and the international community must bring this conflict to an end as a matter of urgency,’ says Michael Boyce, RI advocate.
He adds that more international aid is urgently needed to save lives and show solidarity with nations like Uganda that are generously hosting refugees.
86 percent of South Sudan refugees’ women and children registered in December 2016 are facing hunger and gender-based violence.
South Sudanese refugees in Uganda told RI that widespread rape and sexual violence in their home villages forced them to hide and ultimately flee the country.