Save the Children distributes scholastic materials to 14 schools

Save the Children in collaboration with DARD and State Ministry of Education distributed scholastic materials to fourteen primary schools in Western Lakes State.
Director-General Agolder Alfred Mathok appreciates Save the Children for supporting the Ministry, Radio Good News reports.
He believes the distribution will benefit all classes from primary one to eight in the targeted schools.
Alfred says they started with Agergum Primary and other schools will follow soon.
John Wade Malou, a primary eight pupil, who received five exercise books and pens expresses happiness for the provision.
He says the materials have saved them from buying at high cost in the market.
The project targets around 20 thousand pupils in Rumbek Center and East Counties, says Abraham Maker Gol, Save the Children Education Assistant Project Manager.
Disabled Association for Rehabilitation and Development implemented the project with funds from the Norwegian Embassy in South Sudan.