Western Lakes’ authorities return 200 cows to Eastern Lakes

Authorities of former Rumbek East County have begun returning two hundred and fifty raided cattle to their rightful owners in Yirol, Eastern Lakes State.
According to Radio Good News, three county commissioners, chiefs, youth and community leaders witnessed the return of the cows on Wednesday.
Tilling Maborkuei, Community Empowerment for Progress Organization or CEPO Project Officer in Rumbek East, reports that 150 cows are being escorted by security personnel to Eastern Lakes’ authorities.
He says Eastern Bahr Naam County Commissioner Mapuor Malek Malual says handing over the cows, is the beginning of the process of returning raided animals.
The officer reveals that some community members were not happy during the process because their raided cows were not returned to them.
150 cows were collected from Aduel and 100 were collected from Paloc and Western Bahr al Naam Counties.
The process is the implementation of inter-states dialogue resolutions conducted in December last year between Western and Eastern Lakes.