VSF trains over 100 people on livestock management in Gok State

Veterinary Sans Frontiers or VSF, a Germany organization trained one hundred and forty six people on livestock keeping in Malou Pec County of Gok State.
The participants also get skills on agro-forestry management, tree planting and nursery bed management, Radio Don Bosco reports.
Geoffrey Onyango VSF Consultant says the training will help people in Lulu oil extraction and community food production and link communities with seeds organizations.
He adds that they will bring Lulu oil processing machine, ox ploughs and other equipments.
James Chol Door, one of the participants, appreciates the VSF for the training.
Malou Pec community urges VSF to bring seeds and tools for cultivation before the rain starts.
The training drew 146 people from fourteen villages around Malou Pec County.