Commissioner organizes mass with SPLA soldiers at Natabu check point

Senior government officials attended Eucharistic celebration organized by Baggari County Commissioner at Natabu checkpoint on Sunday morning.
A Catholic priest in his homily appreciates the SPLA soldiers for allowing civilians to move freely to bring their farm products to the market.
He added that human being are created like God and should behave in a way God accepts.
Colonel James Gadet, Natabu commander, thanked Baggari Commissioner and the priest for organizing the prayer.
He urges the soldiers to protect civilians as it is their mandate.
On his part, the commissioner urges civilians to use the main road for the security forces to know the civilians.
The government is for peace and IO in the state should lay down their guns and respond to the national dialogue, says James Joseph, State Minister of Agriculture.
The parties to conflict should think of IDPs’ condition in camps, and also know that it is only the dialogue that can bring lasting peace.
The state minister of Agriculture, Baggari and Beselia commissioners and the commander at check point attended the mass.